Costs - How can you help?

The service costs more than £3,000 a year to run which has to be raised by local volunteers.

How can you help to make a difference?

Make a donation

You can make a single donation or a regular payment. If you are a UK taxpayer you can increase your donation, at no extra cost to you, through the Gift Aid Scheme.

Email for more information.

Organise a fundraising event

As an individual or as part of a group, an organisation or with work colleagues.
Support us by remembering us at special celebrations, birthdays or anniversaries.
Take part in a sponsored event or challenge event - run a marathon/climb a mountain.

Sponsor part of our activity

You can give a financial contribution to support an event, or part of our work or make an in-kind contribution by offering your goods or services, for an event or as a raffle prize.


You can leave a lasting memory by making a bequest in your Will.

Payroll giving

Why not set up a payment direct from your salary to Street Pastors.